Friday 2 August 2013

Day 9

Well guys, I'm off on holiday tomorrow so this will be my last post for a week. As a result again, i've been packing and sorting stuff out today, so I haven't been able to spend much time on the Kerbal, so as a treat you lot, i've spent the last couple of hours doing some quick texturing and render tests. This is not representative of the final product, but it's a rough idea of the standard kerbal. Enjoy :)

Thursday 1 August 2013

Day 8

So today I didn't manage to get much done as I am going on holiday soon was I've been preparing for that. But I managed to get my good level detail onto my retopologized mesh using subtool projection, but it took a bit longer than I thought as I kept getting errors like these.

I fixed these errors by either tweaking the projection settings, adjusting the dynamesh model to more closely match the retopologized model, or by just manually fixing the errors and sculpting them back into place. Until I got all the lovely detail on the lovely topology.

All I have left to do now is a little bit of cleanup to fix the finer projection errors, then I can go onto the final detail pass. This will add what seem like really tiny adjustments, but your eye would notice them if they're not there, even if you don't not what they are. 

So here I've added some surface texture to the skin, to make it more realistic, on this pass I will also add the finer wrinkles and teeth, as I have forgotten to do them. Woops. But this work will be much more fun and pretty than the last couple of days, and then I can start texturing this Kerbal, who still needs a name. Also he needs hair, but i might use fur shaders for that so it can be dynamic. And as always, this was all done in one day :)